300 North Westminster St. Waynesfield, OH 45896
(419) 568-4991 - Fax: (419) 568-6685 info@waynesfieldohio.com

Fiscal Officer

The Village Fiscal Officer is Mrs. Sarah Montgomery. Sarah took over the position on March 6, 2023, and is a graduate from Ohio Northern University.
The fiscal officer is responsible for maintaining the village’s financial records. Sarah also holds the position of the Tax Administrator, Clerk of Council, and Deputy Clerk of Mayor’s Court. To reach the Fiscal Officer’s office during regular business hours, please call 419-568-4991, option 2 or email fiscalofficer@waynesfieldohio.com.
Former Fiscal Officers Mrs. Angela Winegardner (April 2019-December 2022) Mrs. Jill Spencer (June 2013-April 2019) Mrs. Judith Quinlan (1984-2014) Mrs. Erma McGrath (Until 1984) PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTS To make a public records request, click HERE. Complete form and email to vowfiscalofficer@bright.net or provide the completed form in person at the Waynesfield Municipal Building, 300 N. Westminster Street, Waynesfield, OH 45896, during regular business hours.