300 North Westminster St. Waynesfield, OH 45896
(419) 568-4991 - Fax: (419) 568-6685 info@waynesfieldohio.com


Ordinance to Approve Mailbox Rules and Regulations 02-9-1

Rules and Regulations are as follows:

1. Mailboxes may be installed/placed on Village Streets at least as far away from the Post Office as Mulberry to the north, Ohio to the south, Earl to the East and Church to the west. However, mailboxes already erected may remain in their current locations unless they infringe upon locations designated for parking as set out in number 4 of these rules and regulations or locations which may be designated for parking from the date of these rules and regulations.

2. Mailboxes may not be installed/placed on alleys.

3. The Village Street Commissioner will oversee the placement of all mailboxes to be installed/placed from the date of these rules and regulations, and must be contacted prior to the placement/installation.

4. Public parking will have priority over mail delivery. No mailboxes may be placed/installed where there are marked parking spaces.

5. Mailboxes must be 39″ high and 4′ in from the curb or whatever is reachable by the driver.


First reading 09/23/02         Second reading 10/28/02        Third reading 11/25/02 (All readings passed unanimously)

Adopted November 25, 2002